Katie Levine


Katie discovered Linguistic Resolution through its founder, Sally Ghibaldan, and has so far gained valuable experience as a rehabilitation assistant within a multidisciplinary team, supporting individuals who have survived traumatic brain injuries and writing medico-legal notes. 

 Katie has previous experience working as a Speech & Language Therapy Assistant in an Independent Practice specialising in the following areas: 

1) paediatrics with complex developmental needs where she provided play therapy during bilabial vocabulary sessions.

2) Traumatic Brain Injuries, where she supported a young woman with quadriplegia and dysphagia to become accustomed to Eye Gaze on Grid 3 as well as be introduced to oral tastes.

Katie has always demonstrated empathy for people suffering from communication difficulties. She has worked for a number of years with adults with profound and complex learning needs, as both a Special Needs Learning Support Assistant and a Special Needs English Teacher. She is also very passionate about creativity and the importance of embedding it within holistic and therapeutic settings. She has an undergraduate degree from University of Birmingham, an NQT in Music from UCL’s Institute of Education and she plays a few musical instruments, including cello, voice, piano and guitar. 

Going forward, Katie plans on training as a Speech & Language Therapist and is passionate about helping to empower more people experiencing communication difficulties to live happy and healthy lives.